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"It is my goal to help as many brands as possible receive federal protection for their trademarks. I'm here to help in any capacity that I may be needed—at single steps or throughout the entire process."

Garrett J. Hall
Trademark & Copyright Attorney

Trademark Advising Services

If you have questions about choosing or using your trademark, reach out and let's get your questions answered. Maybe you want an evaluation about whether another user's trademark use infringes your own. Or maybe you are concerned that you may be infringing another user's mark. Get the answers you need to secure and protect your trademark so that you can operate confidently.

Trademark Prosecution Services

Ready to register your trademark? Check out the following packages regarding trademark prosecution services. With flat-rate and hourly billing options, we can agree on an arrangement that best fits your goals and needs.

Intro Mark Assessment
Full Mark Assessment
Start-to-finish Representation

Quick Search & Brief Advising
Comprehensive Trademark Clearance Search & Opinion Letter
Full Refusal Risk Assessment
Clearance Search & Refusal Risk Assessment Advising Meeting *
*first 30 minutes free
Additional Advising Meetings
Attorney of Record for Application
Correspondence with Examining Attorney, including Office Action responses
Opposition, Cancelation & Other TTAB-related Matters
Billable Hours Estimate N/A N/A Estimate of projected total billable hours provided based on results of Search & Assessment
Post-disposition of Application Advising Letter

Trademark Opposition, Cancelation & Other TTAB-related Services

Get the representation you deserve in any Trademark Trial and Appeals Board proceedings you may find yourself subject to.

Again, please reach out if you would like more information.